Advantages And Disadvantages Of Powdered Milk

What is Milk Powder?

Milk Powder is a dairy product which is made by evaporating milk into dryness. Milk powder, or dried milk was invented by a Russian Chemist called M.Dirchoff . Nowadays, milk powder is produced by using a method called "spray drying".
Process of Spray Drying

The Milk is first concentrated in at evaporating until it is mostly solid. Then, this concentrated milk is sprayed into a heated chamber where the water inside the milk evaporates. After the evaporation, you are left with some fine solid particles. This is milk powder. Two other methods of producing milk powder is "drum

drying" and "freeze drying".

Advantages of Milk Powder

  • Lightweight and easy to carry.
  • It has a long shelf life (doesn't spoil easily)
  • Doesn't require refridgeration
  • Used to make various recipes where fresh milk would not be suitable.
  • Is produced in many different types such as non fat, skim milk etc.

Disadvantages of Milk Powder

  • The smell and taste of Milk powder is weaker tha fresh milk.
  • Difficult
    to produce
  • Difficult to find the correct consistency when mixing with water.
  • Exposure to moisture or sunlight will speed up spoiling.
  • Unable to consume if you do not have an access to clean water. (during disaster relief situations)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fresh Milk

Comparison of Fresh Milk and Milk Powder

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Article Written By KaneelDias

KaneelDias is a blogger at

Last updated on 30-07-2016 3K 0

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Fresh Milk Vs. Milk Powder
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Fresh Milk